
pretty gosh darn lucky.

I got to have my day today.
I wrapped up some loose ends, packaged some orders, and worked on a special project creating a logo for a client's doula business. It was a lot of fun. I hope to find more fun and challenging jobs such as this in the coming year. :)

Journal page #2   2012

I also read THIS post today & it made me smile. It is long, but she captures the complexity of life with little ones so well. Perfect timing, since yesterday I felt very challenged by the job of motherhood. Not motherhood itself, ( I love being a Mom) but the day-in, day-out job is the hardest thing I have ever done. When I get to have a work day such as today, it feels so fluffy compared to parenting.

I feel pretty gosh darn lucky to be able to straddle the fence between being a stay-at-home Mom and working doing something I love for the rest of the time. 

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